Thursday, January 30, 2014

TWU Go Red for Women Updates

TWU Go Red for Women 2014

(TWU at Wear Red Day 2013)
Look at what is going on at TWU this FebREDary!

Texas Woman's University has done it again! Joining forces with the American Heart Association (AHA), TWU is fighting heart disease with a variety of events. Join us for one or all of the events and help TWU and AHA raise awareness of the #1 killer of women (as well as men), cardiovascular disease. By becoming involved in these events, you will help raise awareness, empower women, and take steps to help to defeat this disease!

TWU Go Red Events

Denton Campus

TWU Goes Red Photo
12:30 pm, February 5th

Where: Fitness and Recreation Center Gym

What: Wear Red Day is a chance for us to arm ourselves with knowledge about this devastating disease and to raise awareness that will help the American Heart Association advance its research and education efforts. Join us for the photo and get a red t-shirt and a pedometer  while supplies last!

Heart Health Panel
12:30-1:00 pm, February 18th

Where: ACT 301

What: Stay informed about cardiovascular disease (heart disease) with this panel! Covering a  variety of topics, this panel discussion will provide you with the information needed to keep your heart happy and healthy.

Walking Wednesdays
12:30-1:00 pm, February 12th, 19th, and 26th

Where: Pioneer Hall Walking Track

What: Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to wear their walking shoes and join us as we walk the track for heart health. There is no cost to participate. This is a great opportunity to meet new and old friends and motivate each other to better heart health.

For more walking times, check out Fit and Rec's new walking group on Tuesdays and Thursdays (open to non-members).

Go Red for Women Informational Table
When: The month of February


Where: The TWU Blagg-Huey Library on the first floor near the elevator

What: Informational materials on heart health

Dallas Campus

TWU Goes Red Photo and Heart Healthy Lunch
When: 12:00 pm, February 4th, Go Red Photo
                11:00 - 1:00 pm, February 4th, Heart Healthy Lunch


Where: In front of the donor wall for Go Red Photo
                 Cafe for the Health Healthy Lunch

What: Join TWU at our Dallas campus for heart healthy lunch. We will also be taking the Go Red for Women Photo so be sure to wear your red outfit!

Dallas Go Red Liaison - Kristin Spain

Heart Health Panel
12:30-1:00 pm, February 18th

Where: IHSD 3510

What: Stay informed about cardiovascular disease (heart disease) with this panel! Covering a wide variety of topics, this panel discussion will provide you with the information need to keep your heart happy and healthy.

Houston Campus

Heart Health Panel
12:30-1:00 pm, February 18th

Where: IHSH 3310

What: Stay informed about cardiovascular disease (heart disease) with this panel! Covering a wide variety of topics, this panel discussion will provide you with the information need to keep your heart happy and healthy.

Denton Go Red Events

2014 Denton Go Red Luncheon and Fashion Show
11:00 - 1:30 pm, 
February 14th

Where: UNT Gateway Center

What:  This event features a silent auction, lunch, invocation, and fashion show. Please visit for additional information and to register.

Learn more about the national campaign to increase awareness and help women reduce their risk of heart disease at Find more online health resources at

Be sure to check back frequently for additional activities as they are added.  Have an activity you would like to add? Please email Morgan O'Donnell at modonnell @

Questions about the TWU Go Red for Women campaign? Contact Sonia Redwine, Assistant Director of Health Promotion at sredwine @ or Morgan O'Donnell, Program Director at modonnell @

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spotlight - Interview with Kurt Krause, Coordinator of Experiential Learning at the Pioneer Center for Student Excellence

Can you tell us a little about your background?

Prior to coming to TWU, I spent fourteen years with UNT’s Internships department, helping students find internships prior to graduation. I’ve lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for many years (I even graduated from Denton High back when it was the only high school in town), so fortunately, I have quite a few professional contacts whom I’m now reaching out to in order to provide those same opportunities for TWU students!

What do you do as Coordinator of Experiential Learning?

The term Experiential Learning, oddly enough, means exactly what it says: learning from experience, or as we say at TWU, “Learning by Doing”. In my role as the EL Coordinator, my goal will be to work with companies and agencies to post internships, summer research, as well as job shadowing opportunities for TWU students, and then work with those students to secure those positions.

Why is experiential learning important?

It has always been the case that classroom learning can be enhanced when a student is engages in meaningful work within their field of study. When you add intention, reflection and assessment to those experiences, it makes it even more meaningful to the student.

What is your favorite quote and why?

“Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.”          --Mark Twain
This quote helps me remember that trying to drastically change my behavior seldom (never) works out well—it also helps explain why so many New Year’s Resolutions don’t last past January!

Does the Pioneer Center have an online presence? Facebook? YouTube, etc?

We are in the process of creating a Facebook page, and as we begin conducting workshops, we will often record them for those students who are not able to attend in person. For now, the best way to find us online is through our website:

As many of our students know, we like to have fun in Health Studies. We have held themed orientations complete with alter egos such as Mo Solo, Hoda Fett, and Dee Dee Wan Kenobi from our Star Wars orientation. We also had a Mission Impossible orientation with passports and top secret missions. Sometimes we even make up code names for each other.  Who would your alter ego be or what would your code name be?

These questions just got really personal, didn’t they? As pedestrian as it sounds, I guess I have to admit that I’d love to be the action hero—the one who can take out eight armed bad guys with nothing more than a Swiss Army knife.  The truth, however, is I know I’d actually be one of those eight armed bad guys—for example, I never have any illusions that I could survive a zombie apocalypse more than a day or two!

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Yes—my direct line is (940) 898-4105 . . . call me and let me know how I can help!

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Flu?

What is the Flu?

Although there are many different types of flu, there are three that are most common to date and each is caused or derived from different factors.

Seasonal flu usually begins in the fall and peaks during the January/February months. 5-20% of people living in the U.S. are affected and catch this type of flu.

H1N1, nicknamed “Swine Flu” because of its mimicked symptoms of H3N2 or H3N2v which is a type of flu that is only found in pigs. H1N1 cannot be caught through eating pig based foods. This virus first emerged in 2009 and has been increasingly spread throughout the nation.

H5N1, also known as the “Bird Flu”, has not been an active virus in the U.S. and is only found in China. People infected with H5N1 contracted the virus from eating dead infected poultry or came in close contact with infected poultry.

Everyone’s Afraid of the Big Bad Flu

It is hard to go throughout the day without hearing something about the flu in the local DFW region. The most current reports show that the death toll continues to rise as more and more individuals are infected. With Dallas County at 26, Tarrant Count at 5, Collin County at 1, and Denton County at 3, the death toll due to the flu this year is most definitely something to be afraid of. The most popular flu strain this season is H1N1 which has more of an impact with women who are pregnant and young children. The Denton and Dallas Counties Health Departments are anticipating the flu activity in the region to remain high in the coming weeks. Both facilities are urging residents to get vaccinated immediately.

How to Prevent the Flu

Knowing the steps to prevent the spread of flu can help the overall health of the community.  Adaption of these preventative measures is key to lower the transmission of the flu. Remember to wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, avoid contact with those infected, get plenty of sleep, exercise, drink plenty of fluids, manage your stress, and eat a healthy diet. Those who are most at risk of contracting the flu are children and infants, senior citizens, people with disabilities, people with preexisting health conditions, travelers, and people living abroad. If you are taking care of someone who is infected, there are preventative medications available with a prescription from your health provider to lower your risk of also becoming infected.

The most effective way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated. This vaccination provides protection against both the seasonal strain and the H1N1 flu.  It is important to plan ahead and get vaccinated early in the season since the vaccination takes two weeks to become effective, but it is never too late to receive a vaccination.


The flu comes with a variety of symptoms which can include some or all of the following: a fever of 100 or higher, chills, body aches and/or headaches, fatigue, cough, sore throat, vomiting, nausea, and/or diarrhea (most common in children). Both the flu and the common cold have similar symptoms so it is important to get tested by a medical professional to conclude whether it is the flu or not. It is also important to note when to seek emergency medical attention if breathing becomes difficult, there is a blue/purple discoloration of the lips, pain or pressure occurs in the abdomen, sudden dizziness or confusion, severe or persistent vomiting, seizures, and flu-like symptoms that improve and then return.


The flu can be treated with or without medications. Since antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, they are not effective against viral infections like the flu. Medications help to relieve the symptoms associated with the flu, but do not make the infected individual any less contagious. The four known types of medications are Tamiflu (oseltamivir), Relenza (zanamivir), Generic (amantadine), and Flumadine (rimantadine).

The easiest way to avoid the flu is to get vaccinated. Although once infected, medication is not completely necessary. To treat the flu without the use of medications simply make sure to get plenty of rest, drink clear fluids like water, broth, sports drinks, or electrolyte beverages to prevent becoming dehydrated, use a cool wash cloth to reduce local aches and pains, place a humidifier in your resting area to make breathing easier, gargle with salt water to ease sore throats, and cover up with a warm blanket.

Where Can I Get Vaccinated?

There are many different places that you can get the flu vaccination at. Vaccinations are always available through your health provider and at some pharmacies. In the local community, there are a few locations that are currently giving flu vaccinations for free.

535 S. Loop 288, Suite 1003
(940) 349-2900

190 N. Valley Pkwy., Suite 203
(972) 434-4700

 Texas Woman's University also has vaccinations available 8am-3:30pm at Student Health Services for students currently enrolled at a $20 cost ($25 for Faculty/Staff). There are many more locations where flu vaccinations are available, information on these sites can be found below.

                                      Want more information? Check out these helpful sites!

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Denton County Health Department (DCHD)

Texas Department of State Health Services

Texas Woman's University Student Health Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Denton County Health Department (DCHD)

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Kansas Department of Health and Environment (Image 1 Source)

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Space Coast Daily (Image 4 Source)

Technorati (Image 5 Source)

Texas Department of State Health Services

Texas Woman's University Student Health Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Flu )

U.S. Virologic Serveillance (Image 2  Source)

WFAA-TV Channel 8